
Some Sample Skill Trees for Y’all

Bit overdue, but yeah I ended up putting together a few sample skill trees for generic build types (Laser Vomit, Poptart, etc.) Not a lot of ’em, but lemme know what other build types you’d be interested in seeing a tree for (respond to my tweet with suggestions, yeah?) Example Trees Hope it comes in […]

MetaMechs Skill Tree Resource

It’s not quite a guide, but it’s not quite not a guide. I really hope that this helps – it’s such a weird, convoluted system that I’m not sure that this is the best approach to take, but at the very least I hope it gives you some ideas for how to put together your […]

Super Quick Thoughts on the Skill Tree

I love the customization options. I love the effects it has on actual gameplay. I hate how much time and energy needs to be poured into actually skilling out a mech. I hate the obfuscation of re-speccing.   A wise man once said “when developing a game, listen to what the player hates, listen to […]

All Tier Lists Updated

Competitive Meta IS Clan Classified I spent a couple months more or less on break, and I’ve been getting back into it over the last couple of weeks. I’d love to hear your feedback and how your own experiences have differed from mine on either reddit or the forums here. And yeah, the IS list […]

Bargain Bin: Heavy Mech Sale

This series of posts is mainly for people who make decisions on buying mechs in terms of how good they are, rather than if they adhere to a chosen playstyle, or how cool they look. Heavy Mech Sale: From September 22 to September 30 Boy, that sale name just captures the imagination. This sale puts all heavies (including heroes and […]

Master Guide Episode 50: Kodiak

Fuck, it’s been a while. I’m taking it easy on updating Master Guides for the time being because it feels like the energy draw system is either gonna be this month or next, and it’s likely to really mess everything up. But I gotta write about the Kodiak, yaknow? Just gotta. <3G

IS, Meta, and Classified Tier Lists Updated

IS Meta Classified I thought I’d end up updating a lot more but…this is the first patch in a long time that didn’t really invoke big balance changes. But that means that balance has been stable enough for me to feel good about massive updates to the Classified Tier List, which is the most-changed of […]

Bargain Bin: Epic Assault Sale

This series of posts is mainly for people who make decisions on buying mechs in terms of how good they are, rather than if they adhere to a chosen playstyle, or how cool they look. Epic Assault Sale: From August 11 to August 17 This sale puts all assaults (including heroes and I guess champions) 35% off. Unfortunately, this […]

Comp, Meta, IS, and Clan Tier Lists Updated

Comp Meta IS Clan We’re still in prototyping for the Meta Tier List. Right now, the concept is that every chassis will have one highlighted build, and if a chassis is good enough to have multiple builds that would place in the top couple of tiers (or are just that unique), those builds will be tiered […]