Competitive Tier List

Welcome to the Competitive Tier List!

I’ve broken it down into 5 sections (divided by range bracket and then a separate list for scouts) and created 2 tiers for each one. I included a build for each of the mechs – these are not the only builds which should be run on these mechs, not even the only comp builds (certain situations call for slightly or radically different builds), just the most used and generic examples of how a mech is to be used in its role.

Tier 1: These are the mechs that you will see all the time in non-restricted drops. In unrestricted leagues, like RHoD, these will be almost the only mechs present aside from potential tonnage fillers.
Tier 2: These are mechs that you can see a lot of in restricted leagues such as MRBC. They’re not 100% optimal, but they have some advantages or characteristics which make them show up a lot in league drops, even outside of restricted ones.

Bold indicates the addition of a mech, Italics indicate a change in its placement or build.


Bushwacker Patch (27-Jan-2017)


Extreme Range (750+ meters)

Tier 1Battlemaster BLR-2CBattlemaster BLR-1G, Grasshopper GHR-5PHunchback IIC HBK-IIC-A, Night Gyr NTG-Prime/A/B/C/D/JK, Hunchback IIC HBK-IICShadow Cat SHC-Prime>P/A/B, Kodiak KDK-3

Tier 2Stalker STK-3HBlackjack BJ-3Timber Wolf TBR-A/C/DQuickdraw QKD-5KGrasshopper GHR-5HStalker STK-4NBlack Knight BL-7-KNT-LHellbringer HBR-Prime/A/B/F


Long Range (500-750 meters)

Tier 1: Kodiak KDK-3, Night Gyr NTG-Prime/A/B/C/D/JKTimber Wolf TBR-SHunchback IIC HBK-IIC-AWarhammer WHM-6RMauler MAL-MX90, Summoner SMN-D>B/C/F/M>Prime/PD

Tier 2Nova NVA-AEnforcer ENF-4RTrebuchet TBT-5J, Marauder IIC MAD-IIC-AStalker STK-4NEbon Jaguar EBJ-Prime/A/B/CDire Wolf DWF-B/WShadow Cat SHC-Prime>A/P/B


Medium Range (250-500 meters)

Tier 1: Kodiak KDK-3Warhammer Black Widow, Night Gyr NTG-Prime/A/B/C/D/JKHunchback IIC HBK-IIC, Battlemaster BLR-2CMarauder MAD-3RBattlemaster BLR-1G

Tier 2Black Knight BL-7-KNT-LBanshee BNC-3MJagermech JM6-DDDire Wolf DWF-Prime/A/B/W/UV, Blackjack BJ-1XHellbringer HBR-Prime/A/B/FIce Ferret IFR-C


Short Range (0-250 meters)

Tier 1: Griffin GRF-3M, Atlas AS7-S, Kodiak Spirit BearGriffin GRF-2NTimber Wolf TBR-A/C/DHunchback HBK-4SP, Huntsman HMN-Prime/A/B/C/P/PAShadowhawk SHD-2D2Nova NVA-A/C/S/BK>B>D>Prime

Tier 2Catapult CPLT-A1, Bushwacker BSW-P1Stormcrow SCR-Prime/A/B/C/DMad Dog MDD-B>A>C>Prime, Cyclops CP-10-QAtlas AS7-D-DCCatapult CPLT-C4Gargoyle GAR-D, Marauder IIC Scorch



Tier 1: Arctic Cheetah ACH-Prime>A>B>C, Jenner IIC JR7-IIC, Jenner OxideSpider SDR-5KJenner IIC JR7-IIC-A

Tier 2: Jenner IIC JR7-IICJenner IIC JR7-IIC-ALocust LCT-1E, Raven RVN-4X


Change Notes

A lot of what I did to update this list revolved around new omnipods, but I tweaked a few things here and there too.

Obviously, the most significant things were the addition of the Marauder IIC and Bushwacker. I’m not 100% sure about how the Marauder IIC is going to fit into comp, but I’m very confident it will. The Bushwacker, though, is more of a guess. I think it could be a great auxiliary mech, but it’s too early to say for sure, and too many mechs do a similar thing (like the Huntsman).

I’m shaky on the lights; I don’t really play them much (particularly in competitive), and other mechs like the Wolfhound got some nice buffs recently. But lights in general aren’t in a great place, so I figure the current gimmicks are probably still the best bet.