Yearly Archives: 2016

Bargain Bin: Heroes (and Champions)

This series of posts is mainly for people who make decisions on buying mechs in terms of how good they are, rather than if they adhere to a chosen playstyle, or how cool they look. Hero and Champion Sale: From May 26 to May 31 This sale only includes the hero and champion mechs, rather than specific chassis, […]

CW Content Up to Date (including a new page on Scouting Mode)

Invasion Mode Strategy Guide Scouting Mode Strategy Guide IS Dropship Ladder Clan Dropship Ladder CW Tonnage Efficiency So yeah, this is how I’ve spent my last 5 nights since the post announcing that I’d be updating something every day. Now that I’m “finished” with CW, I’m going to start updating the Master Guides. Oh boy.   […]

The Great Update of 2016 Begins

So I haven’t talked much about this yet, but somebody decided to pledge enough to my Patreon to put me over the first goal, where I have to update the whole site every month (thanks Jordan you’re awesome). So what that means is that for the next month or two, I’m going to be trying […]

Master Guide Episode 48: Warhammer

The mech’s out for C-Bills!   My favorite thing about the Warhammer is that the WHM-6R does an unusual style of build really well. I mean, the Black Widow and WHM-6D are good mechs ‘n all, but they really don’t feel new at all. Is it bad that I’m tempted to not write an Archer […]

ALL Tier Lists Updated

It took me way too long, but I’ve finally updated them all to the latest patch. Swear to God, I spent more time just staring at the Meta Text List than actually moving things around. Links! Competitive Meta IS Clan Classified Also, someone went and pledged enough to my Patreon to put it over the […]

Master Guide Episode 47: Marauder

Just in time for C-Bill release! I’ll be doing the Warhammer next (maybe this week, I’m not sure). Trying to do a little bit more on the video side – not necessarily video versions of the master guide or supplements, like I did with the Hunchback IIC, but gameplay highlights. So lemme know what you […]