
Urbanmech and King Crab Master Guides Updated

Urbanmech King Crab Because, if you’ve got a project to gradually update 41 in-depth guides, you wanna start with two of the least played mechs in the game. GMAN WHY ARE YOU SUCH A GIT Anyways, gonna keep on trucking. Might even do more tonight, idk. Stay tuned 🙂   <3G

A list of what is and what isn’t up to date

Hey guys. Welcome to all new players and welcome back to all you vets. With Steam release going down in a few hours (supposedly), I wanted to make a post explaining the current condition of MetaMechs. Basically, a little over a week ago there was a massive balance pass and I’ve been scrambling to update […]

Master Guide Episode 41: Crab

I finally did it! It’s not released for C-Bills for a little while though. Was looking it over and while Resistance 2 was released to pre-order-ers in order of weight from high to low, they’re being released for c-bills and MC the other way around. Weird. Good thing that the BK and Mauler aren’t OP. -G

Hunter Card Tier List for Constructed Play

I didn’t spend much time on this and I’m not a pro at Hearthstone or anything, but this is my opinion. Was just making a quick list to give a sense of card priority to someone who doesn’t have access to all the cards, decided to spend an extra 5 minutes to make it look good […]

If a link breaks, find the new one in the Menu

And lemme know, if you don’t mind. I’m fuckin around with some stuff…fingers crossed I don’t blow up the goddamn site. EDIT: Ok I’m done fiddling for now. Hopefully site performance has improved (though probably not by much if it’s even noticeable). If not…well, at least it’s a hell of a lot more neat. Thanks […]

Official PGI quirking process for Clan Center Torsos

Roll D6 for chassis-generic quirks: No CT Quirks at all No Generic Quirk Acceleration Quirk Structure Quirk Torso Twist Speed Quirk Speed Quirk   Roll D8 twice for some variant-specific quirks (assuming you didn’t get a 1 on the first roll): No Quirk Acceleration Quirk Structure Quirk Torso Twist Speed Quirk Torso Twist Range Quirk […]